It is our aim that ordering from this site be as straightforward as possible. We would like you to enjoy our products and be happy with our service. Our terms & conditions are linked at the foot of each page so that you can read them before deciding on how and when to order.

1. Delivery

Once you have placed an order, you will receive a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours providing a link to download the booklet. You will also be directed to a page with a download link for the same file.

2. The Contract

A copy of the products will only pass to you when we have received full payment. A person who is not party to the contract shall not have any rights under or in connection with it.

3. Resale

By ordering from this website, you agree not to commercially resell any of our products. Commercially reselling our products is a breach of these terms and conditions and your agreement with us.

4. Copyright

Please do not photocopy or reproduce any of these assets, the trails are for personal use only.

5. Payment and Security

We do not hold your credit card data. You do not enter any credit card data into the Woking Trails website. When you come to pay for your products you leave our site and your payment is processed through PayPal. Payments are processed through PayPal. Payment will be taken in GB pounds (£), and if applicable, your card will be charged according to the exchange rate at that time.

6. Cookie Policy

See our ‘Cookie Policy’ page.